Generic Latisse – A permanent makeup for your eye lashes

Every girl wants her eye lashes longer and thicker, which adds a great deal to the face beauty. But in some girls, the eyelashes are inadequate. This is termed as Hypotrichosis. Latisse ophthalmic solution is basically a premium treatment for inadequate eye lashes and provides awesome eyelashes. Latisse generic is a treatment which is prescribed by many renowned skin specialists. Order Latisse 0.03% today for beautiful eyelashes.


How exactly the Latisse treatment works?

Latisse generic drug is prescribed by many specialists. One has to apply it on the base of eye lashes. The output is longer and thicker eye lashes. This eyelash growth serum basically maintains the eyelash hairs in growth phase only, which in turn produces longer, thicker and darker eyelashes. Thicker eyelashes add a great deal of beauty to eyes. With thicker eyelashes, the eyes appear bigger and relatively more attractive. The prime ingredient of Latisse ophthalmic solution is bimatoprost, which is also present in glaucoma drug Lumigan. The eyelash thickening which this eyelash growth serum provides is not forever. It is maintained for a fixed time.

The Lash serum bimatoprost therapy is somewhat lengthy and time taking. This is mainly because the effect of drug is slow. The results will not show immediately. One can notice the output in a period of about 8 weeks or 1-2 months. This treatment is preferred by a lot of people as it is relatively cheaper than other eyelash growth therapies in the market. Another important advantage is that Latisse is a FDA approved therapy and is quite effective. The usage is quite simple and user-friendly. If one really wants eye catching eye beauty, then they should order Latisse 0.03% from any online or offline store and enjoy the awesome benefits. Applying Latisse treatment before going to a party or a fashion event works a lot.

Side effects of Latisse treatment:-

Although lash serum bimatoprost is quite effective and gives awesome thicker eyelashes, it has to be used only as per the doctor prescription. It is strongly recommended that this treatment should be adopted under doctor’s instructions. Those who prefer to buy generic Latisse serum online, should research carefully on the side effects of this drug. If Latisse treatment is used carelessly, it can cause darkening in the eyes which is somewhat permanent. Its usage may also cause eyelid darkening whose intensity varies from person to person. It is strictly recommended that Latisse should not be applied on the lower lid.

If someone is undergoing any eye treatment, then he should use this product with extra care and only with doctor’s consent. Some people have also noticed redness in eyes. Latisse treatment can also lead to itchy eyes. Someone who uses contact lenses should take extra care while using Latisse treatment. If the Latisse treatment is discontinued, the eye lashes return to its previous look and condition. One can buy generic Latisse serum online from a number of websites, but a detailed research should be done on the side effects and procedure of usage. This product can do miracle if used with care.

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