Valtrex the best antiviral drug

Most of the fatal diseases are spread through the microbes. Sometimes there are chances of the damage which is irreparable the whole organ system is demolished and the person dies. One of the most dangerous microbes which cause deadly diseases is the virus. The most fatal diseases like HIV-AIDS, herpes and hepatitis B are all caused by viruses. They microscopic in nature and their mode of transmission is fast their reproduction cycle and the mechanisms undertaken by the virus to tamper the system is fast. Herpes is one such disease which appears on the skin causes rashes and boils on the skin which is fatal. Herpes simplex virus causes herpes. Valtrex cures conditions like cold sores. Herpes treatment or the cold sore treatment can be done best with help of generic Valtrex. It is better to buy Valtrex or vlacyclovir HCl for herpes treatment.

Generic Valtrex
• Valtrex is an antiviral drug which on consumption controls the spread of herpes infection. The active ingredient of Valtrex is vlacyclovir. This acts as a cure only when consumed in the initial stages of the disease.

• Disorders caused by the herpes virus are genital herpes, cold sores, shingles, and chickenpox. Valtrex is helpful in treating cold sores in children aged 12 years, and also takes part in treatment of chickenpox in children who are aged 2 years.

• Valtrex must be consumed exactly according to the prescribed dosage. It should be consumed even after the dosage period is over. It should be consumed once or twice a day according to the intensity of the symptoms.

• It should always be consumed with a large glass of water and plenty of water must be drunk to keep the kidneys working and clean.

• The suspension must be shaken well before use and then consumed with the measuring spoon exactly according to the prescribed dosage. If one does not have a dose measuring device they should consult a pharmacist and

• This can be consumed with or without food. There is no condition that a person must consume food before taking the medicine. This medication does not cure common cold, flu etc.

• Lesions caused by the disease might cause itching sensations and the patient is advised to wear clothes which have aeration and are soft on the lesions.

• Certain side effects are observed in the medication course of this medicine. They include; less than usual urination, bleeding, bruising, fever, red spots on the skin, weakness or fainting, pale or yellowed skin, bloody diarrhea, vomiting.

• A doctor must be consulted when these symptoms appear; pain in the lower back region, seizure, drowsiness, vomiting, mood changes, nausea, increased thirst, loss of appetite, swelling, feeling of short breath, weight gain, feeling shaky or unsteady.

• Less serious side effects are; menstrual pain, joint pain etc.

• Storage should be done at room temperature around 25 degrees Celsius. Incidence of direct sunlight light and heat must be avoided. Children and pets must be kept away from this as it is not recommended for them.

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